Featured image by Chris Grasso
This review was commissioned by Matty Ice over on my Ko-fi account.
Decent as far as these things go. The shattered terracotta pots were a neat idea, and they lean into that idea with the early mat work here and grinding them into each other’s skin. Bit of a tricky thing here though as I feel they function well as an environmental hazard to make bumps more dangerous, but they don’t work half so well as actual weapons when the workers start picking them up to harm each other with. Also wish it was given a little more importance in terms of the selling onto the clay, but that’s really neither here nor there.
Once they abandon the mat work, this is all pretty standard outside of the cheek skewer. Great visual there and the crowd goes nuts for the teasing of it, and it rocks that Sakuda keeps it in for the rest of the match. Outside of that it’s your usual tubes and what not, not too much here that stands out.
Rating: **1/2