Featured image by Chris Grasso

This review was commissioned by Matty Ice over on my Ko-fi account.

Commentary talks this up as one of the longer running rivalries in ICW:NHB, but I’ve got close to zero knowledge of any of that. My dips into this promotion only really surround a few guys in the likes of HoodFoot, John Wayne Murdoch, and Tremont when he’s around. I’ve given Kasey Kirk a chance here and there, and she’d impress me in a few matches later on but I can’t really say that this is one of them.

Kasey Kirk matches function best to me when she’s getting her ass whooped and she’s given the chance to draw in sympathy for the crowd. There’s attempts at that here, especially because Kasey gets a real good gusher going about halfway through the match. Really great blood on display here, her face is caked in the stuff, can’t even see where her skin is anymore. The natural size disparity also means it’s easy to empathize with Kasey here, especially when she’s taking the big bumps from Demanto.

Structurally though, this match fails to hold any tension. None of the heat segments on Kasey last long enough to really get the most out of her sympathetic vibe. Demanto on offense is probably a little more lax than I could care for, making it feel like there’s a real lack of urgency in any of this. The transitions between control are about as careless as they come, usually just one of the wrestlers snatching up the other to hit a move out of nowhere, and then going back and forth taking turns until the match is done. As far as violence and gimmickry goes, this is pretty standard stuff as far as 2020s American deathmatch is concerned too. Nothing all that grotesque on that front. I never really hated watching any of this, but at no point did it give me much to latch onto either.

Some sick bumps, great bloodletting, but nothing special as a whole. Inoffensive as far as these things go.

Rating: **1/2

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