Eddie in this match is more force of nature than anything else. He spends that vast majority of it, from the moment he steps through the curtain to the very end of the show, running his mouth at his opponents and the children in the crowd. His famous natural charisma is clear even at this early stage of his career. It’s sort of impossible to escape as his very loud voice booms in this tiny room that seats maybe 50 people or so, and he does not shut the fuck up at all.
It produces a lot of funny moments, but it’s also indicative of this early stage of Eddie’s development. He’s this young guy, full of vim and vigor, who’s clearly aware that his personality is a massive strong suit as far his performances go. As such, he’s trying to maximize that strength at all points of the match, spewing it forth like a shotgun blast. A more judicious application will be learned with time, but it does at least show the energy of his presence.
The match itself? Not all that good. It’s basically just an extended riff session with Quack and his students. Eddie’s ring time is limited for the most part, with his best contributions being an already brutal arsenal of chops and kicks. The punches, not quite there yet, but there’s time for that too. Also, Eddie tries a moonsault deep in the match and I know the roof is low in this venue, but boy does it look awful. Think there’s a reason that didn’t become a regular part of his arsenal.
At the end of it though, Eddie makes Gran Akuma’s son cry by unmasking Akuma for the DQ loss. That’s that real pro wrestling heat, baby.
Rating: **1/2