Featured image by @NKzy_JiiiMA

I don’t follow Dragongate closely but whenever I do dip in, it’s usually to see what Kzy’s doing. He’s such an exciting worker who’s able to mix good chain wrestling with solid strikes and big moves. So you know, basically exactly the kind of wrestler that I’d enjoy watching on a regular basis. I especially enjoyed his two performances on the finals night of the King of Gate tournament where came out victorious.

It’s with that victory that’s he’s propelled to the main event of the Kobe World to once again challenge for the Open the Dream Gate Title. Every other time before, he’s failed to unlock the gate but now, with the momentum of a King of Gate victory on his side, perhaps it might finally be Kzy time.

It’s not Kzy time.

In fact, Kzy essentially loses this match before it even hits the ten minute mark. An attempt to nail the champion with a move on the apron fails and Shun Skywalker instead drops Kzy to the floor with a spectacular monkey flip. I don’t think anyone in wrestling is doing monkey flips as beautifully and powerfully as Shun Skywalker right now.

The bump to the floor wrecks Kzy’s back and it’s a problem that the champion has no bones about attacking. Shun is focused on the back, bumping Kzy around the ring to compound the damage already done. All of it is in service to setting up Shun’s killshot finisher, the SWS, which no one at this point has kicked out of yet.

Kzy tries, boy does he try. He’s a clever guy so he’s able to find a few openings. He can also hit hard and whip out a tight cradle or two. And when push comes to show, he’s not above nailing a sweet elevated Destroyer either.

But none of that’s really enough. Try as Kzy might, the damage was done early and as soon as Shun nails the SWS, it’s game over. The match ends with Shun Skywalker proving himself the dominant and canny champion as Kzy is left crying on the mat over another failed shot at the title. It’s crushing and it feels like the wrong move but one can at least read the story behind it clearly. Shun’s the man and Kzy blew his chance by paying for an early risk.

Painful as it is, at least Dragongate’s investing in the next generation by making Shun look as strong as possible, right? Now that he’s beaten Kzy, the sentimental favorite, in such dominant fashion, there’s nothing from stopping him from doing the same to YAMATO the next night. The next generation of Dragongate’s stars are here and the company will need them now more than ever with Masato Yoshino retiring.

Surely, this signals that Shun is the man and he’s here to stick around with that title.


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